Third Grade
Teaching Experience: +13 yrs in Alaska: 1st grade at Catholic School, pre-K—3rd grades at North Slope (rural AK, arctic bush), Kindergarten at aTitle 1 Anchorage public school; +4 years in Wisconsin/Wyoming: homeschool our 2 children, Kindergarten–4th grade; +2 years Wisconsin and Wyoming subbing; +1 year in Albin, Wy–Kindergarten
Mrs. Bronder has been teaching at St. Mary’s for 4 years.
Education: Bachelors in Elementary Ed. from University of Illinois; Masters in Literacy from Alaska Pacific University
Mrs. Bronder is the youngest of 10 children and has lived in 11 different states. She has strong family values and work ethic, is adaptable and outgoing.
Life experiences: road construction, dairy farm, camp counselor, storyteller, summited Mt. McKinley (ie. Denali), ran several marathons, cared for elders with Alzheimer’s, biked across the United States (Oregon to Virginia), raised & direct marketed grass-fed meats, completed Ironman, happily married now for almost 18 years, & mother of 2 teens attending East High.